Explore the possibilities of aging. Drawing on your life experiences and strengths, build the strategies and skills to deepen your self awareness and encourage personal growth.

Moving through mid-life and beyond, we may experience change and loss that can be painful and overwhelming, impacting our emotional, social and physical well-being. You may find yourself facing health issues or caring for an older adult. You may be encountering unexpected changes at work or considering an alternative career path because you long for more job satisfaction. Or you may be choosing to retire. Children leave home and you adjust to a different relationship. The things that once brought you joy, no longer do so.

Together we will explore these and other challenges you are experiencing by identifying and addressing your goals, restoring your resiliency, and integrating change and loss into your life. Our focus may include accessing and accepting sadness, guilt and other emotions; exploring beliefs about ourselves and others; grieving change and loss; addressing low self-esteem and managing stress; planning for your self-care by exploring your values, interests and other career related topics; and accessing the resources available to you. Through this process, we will clearly define what you need now and for the future.